Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Me and my bunny

Dad was gone all day today. He had to go from work right to his night class so Mom and I spent all day together. We had so much fun. We sang a song called "Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes", well those are the words anyway. We worked on our ABC's by watching Wheel of Fortune and then took a BIG bubble bath. But once American Idol came on I wanted NO interruptions. I had to listen to my competition. Tivoli was not amused. I chose to watch Idol with my bunny becuase I figured with her big ears she would be able to help me size up my competition. I have really started liking my bunny. She is my best friend right now!


Asher and Ellie's Family said...

You are sitting up so big!! The trick to American Idol is to pick the right song!! So keep watching... we'll be your biggest fan club!

Anonymous said...

I love your little pink chair! Wish they had those when your cousins were little. That would have been great!

~ Aunt Brooke