Saturday, December 18, 2010

Ho Ho Ho.. Happy December

Baking cookies is a MUST during the holidays.. on the list are Secret Kiss Cookies, Oreo Balls, and sugar cookies.. I love being the helper and so does Reese!Reese was excited to help with the kiss cookies too!
Some of the fun things that we do when the weather is too cold outside..
I am busy feeding my baby,while Reese is getting some exercise.

We all were getting ready to deliver gifts to our neighbors. It was a VERY cold but fun time!

A visit with Santa.. I was brave, but Reese was not too keen on meeting him.

Fun in the snow!
We made a very colorful gingerbread house.. and it is yummy.

Saturday, December 11, 2010


Getting ready to go to a friends Birthday Party..The girls love bath time.. still in the kitchen sink.

Happy Thanksgiving..
I love playing with my cousins.

Mommy and Reese were eating some dinner. Turns out Reese loves Grandma Lindsay's Noodles too!

After Thanksgiving dinner we decided to get busy decorating for Christmas..

Reese was very good at instructing Daddy on what items to bring up from the basement..

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Fall is here!!

October has come and almost gone, and what a busy month it was! It was a month filled with birthdays, family, and did I mention birthdays?
A lot of my family came to celebrate my 3rd birthday with me. This is my Dora cake. Feliz cumpleanos a mi!
This is my cousin, Paige. I'm kind of like her little sister since she has two brothers already. She's an Olson too!
Can you tell how much I love cake?
And ice cream? I have daddy's sweet tooth? I got a balloon too!
When mommy and daddy asked me what I wanted, I said cake, ice cream, and a pumpkin. I'm pretty easy to please that way. =)
I also got to spend the birthday weekend with my aunts and grandma. We did a diabetes walk in honor of my Grandpa Anderson who lived with diabetes for a long time. I had so much fun with all of them!
Ride, Sally, ride. Or in this case, ride, Reese and Marci, ride!
Mommy said it was on her "bucket list" to ride a camel. I'm glad I could help her check it off her list!
October ended with how it began...more birthday parties! This is one of the hayrides we went on in Olsonville. Reese loved them too.

We celebrated Ellie's 1st birthday and my 3rd birthday. I'm glad I got to share the special day with Ellie. She sure is getting big, and boy can she move! Here she is with Uncle Nathan and Aunt Jenoa.

Grandma Olson likes having a traditional grandkid picture taken around the same time every year. It seems like there's always another kid in the mix every year. Wonder if there will be any more next year?
Here's Reese snuggling with Grandma Olson. She sure likes to snuggle...both of them, I mean.
Here's another hayride with my cousins, Hannah and Asher. I sure loved spending time with them!
Look out Davey Crockett! Mommy and a 12-gauge...I think that's a country song.
What a better way to end than for Reese and I to dress in our Halloween costumes. Reese is a butterfly and as always, "I am a beautiful princess." Thanks to all for a wonderful October and a great start to Fall!

September stuff

Ok.. Not doing so well updating this blog. Lots has happened in September (and late August). Reese was dedicated.. Yah! What a fun gathering. Also, Tivoli had her puppies. Boy are they work. Also, Ryan ran the Crystal Lake Half Marathon and did fantastic! Overall, September was a very busy month! Reese is growing so fast and is starting to scoot around a lot. She also is getting her first tooth. Tessa is still doing super and becoming very independent. What a blessing they both are.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

It's Been A While...

It's been a while since we posted so here's a little of what we've been up to...
Mommy and Daddy felt like it was a perfect summer for a couple of dates on the motorcycle. Mommy even sat through a whole movie, but she said she missed us the whole time.

We are definitely "Mommy Girls."

We had a lot of picnics this summer, many of them at the zoo!

Two of my favorite animals...a Lainey Gazelle and an Amyroo!

Here is a Spotted Cici! She even changes colors to blend in with her surroundings. See how the shirt blends in with the trees?

Mommy and Daddy also took me to a more local zoo. This one just had animals of the kid variety though. There were even placed on the ground that when you jumped on them, they played music! See me jumping?

Not only have I been practicing my ABC's, but I've also learned a thing or two about performing surgery. I just delivered a baby with the help of my trusty assistant, Reese.

Well, that's my summer in a nutshell. Peace out!

And remember these words of wisdom, have fun, soar high...

And always start with the frosting.