Friday, January 04, 2008

Mommy and Daddy took me to the ER

So, Mommy and Daddy took me to the ER and that is something I won't forget anytime soon. They didn't even make us wait in the waiting room like the other people, they took us right to a room. They had Mommy put a hospital gown on me, she said I looked so cute. Then they put all these wires on me, but I wasn't that scared because Mommy was holding me the whole time. I felt safe in my Mommy's arms, until this lady came and put something down my throat, OUCH!! I cried a lot! My Daddy almost cried too. He doesn't like to see me hurting. After that, they had Mommy put me on this machine that gives babies X-rays. I didn't like it, but Mommy held my hands the whole time. Once the X-rays were done, I was taken back to the room and they tried to get me to breath some of this special air that was coming out of a tube. I didn't want to, but I saw Mommy doing it so I thought it was safe. It didn't taste like anything, but it was suppose to help me breath better. Once all was said and done, Mommy gave me to Daddy. I tried to make Daddy feel safe and not sad anymore. Mom says I am a "True Anderson".. because Anderson women are STRONG! I was diagnosed with Bronchialitis, also know as RSV. It stinks, but it should be gone in about a week. UGH. I have already had it for a week. Daddy and Mommy are so impressed that I am still happy, that they took some more pictures. I have been working hard at keeping my head up. Have a healthy day!


Ellie's Blog said...

Oh poor baby! The first time they get sick is terrible! It doesn't get any easier either! I'm glad you didn't have to wait long at the ER! We had to wait hours the first time we had to take Elle. It was terrible! I hope little Tess is feeling better soon!

Anonymous said...

ummmm, *ahem.. How come this is the first I've heard of this??

I can't be that upset tho cuz i know Tessa's mom does believe in socks... :) but awwwwwwwwww the poor lil sweetums... and to be able to hold her lil head up during her battle with bronchitis.. wow, just wow.. what a darling lil porkchop... big kisses to Tessa.. Mwah Mwah Mwah!

Anonymous said...

Little Tess,
Don't you look adorable!!!! Glad you are feeling better!!
Yes this your Favorite Aunt, the one that saw you at grandpas today!!!
love ya Tons!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow, RSV and a smile. I just doesn't get any better than that!

Love you, little girl. So glad we got to see you over Christmas break!

~ Aunt Brooke

Anonymous said...

Anderson women ARE strong!!!!