Monday, March 17, 2008

Happy St. Patrick's Day

Don't I look adorable in this green shirt? Mom told me I needed to wear green today so no one would pinch me. Thank goodness Aunt Nancy was a high roller in Vegas and had enough money to buy me this Green M&M shirt. Happy St. Patrick's Day to you all! Are you wearing green?

What a wonderful week. We decided as a family that it was time for me to get in the stroller like a big girl. It was so much fun! I also turned five months. Can you believe it? I have become a loud talker and am rolling over from Front to Back. Mom said that that is the more difficult way to roll over, but it is easy for me. I am also sitting up by myself for a few seconds. It will be no time at all that I will be rolling across the room. My favorite thing to do is get a bath. Mommy and Daddy are signing me up for swimming soon. I can't wait.

I have been enjoying listening to CD's as we drive to Grandma and Grandpa's. Mom got some that teach you to sing in a few different languages.. So.. hola, bonjour, and konnichiha.


Anonymous said...

Your cousin, Hannah, always liked baths best. She would stay in there all day if you let her...come to think of it, she still would. :)

So, did you get your exersaucer fixed? You sure looked cute trying! ~ Auntie Brooke

Baedke Family Blessings said...

She is adorable! Hope to see you guys soon!