Sunday, December 07, 2008

December fun!

My attempt to welcome the cold.. br.. it was cold. I didn't like it so much.
We have been keeping extremely busy in December. I got to take a jacuzzi bath.. mommy filled the tub up so high I almost got lost.

We also did a lot of holiday baking for Daddy's work and our small group. I really loved helping Daddy bake. Mommy even joined in! Daddy does most the baking.. Mommy sticks to cooking dinners.

First We had to find the meauring cups...I don't think they are in here...
Then we had to mix all the ingredients together, including some vanilla, which Daddy helped me add. Daddy got to mix all the ingredients together but I got to watch. Mommy joined in and helped us measure out the Oatmeal. "not too much Mommy!"
One more fun thing we have done this season is decorate a Ginger bread house. It was the first time for all of us. Daddy and Mommy had a lot fun putting the house together..

I, on the other hand.. Enjoyed EATING the gingerbread house.


Asher and Ellie's Family said...

What a cute brown dress :)
We miss you Tessa!
Jenoa, Nathan and Asher

Baedke Family Blessings said...

What cute pictures!! Playdate??

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh! I LOVE the apron...on you and your Daddy!
I miss you! (so do lucas and ryan)
auntie laura