Monday, February 25, 2008

Hop On!

Grandpa got his scooter today. He took me for a ride. He even tried to teach me how to control this BIG MACHINE! It was so much fun!! Grandpa said that once I start crawling we are going to have races. I bet I will win. I have been studying the scooter closely and have discovered that it runs on batteries. Hm.. I don't think I run on batteries, so I might just win the race!


Anonymous said...

Hey there, hot rod! Grampas are good for scooter rides...or tractor rides depending on the grampa. :)

Won't be long before nobody will be able to keep up with you! ~ Auntie Brooke

Anonymous said...

Your Dad is quite an inspiration Can!! Next time I want to complain I will think twice. Much love to your whole family from ours :)

Anonymous said...

Asher LOVES the video of the scooter ride! Now I think he wants one!!

aashhhher (Asher wanted to type his own name)

Uncle Nathan