Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Grandpa is getting better (by the grace of God) and I turned 4 months. Read on...

(Mommy, Aunt Pattie, Uncle Johnny, Grandpa, and Aunt Lori)
Grandpa Update
1. Grandpa has really taken a turn for the better. After our scare on Thursday when the doctor said he had hours to live, to the smile on his face when he saw me after surgery, he is really an amazing man. He is still extremely weak and tired, but he is eating on his own and sitting up for short periods of time. We are uncertain about what will be done with his "good leg" and "scabbed hands" but for now he is doing quite well. He has been in ICU for a week and we hope he will be leaving there soon. I visited Grandpa every day, even though I couldn't go in the ICU. Aunt Patti made me smile a lot and I FINALLY met Uncle John!!

Tessa Stats
2. I turned four months. I weighed in at 14lb 11oz and is 24 3/4'' long. Mommy and Daddy told the doctor that they hadn't seen me roll over yet and he didn't seem to be concerned. BUT.. while I was showing Dr. Megahed that I can hold my head up on my own I decided to roll over. I was being a "show off." They were all so excited for me. I had four shots and did pretty well with them. I slept nine hours after that and slept all day today too. Mommy and Daddy think I am such a blessing!

Four months in detail (written by Mommy...I need a nap!)
3. Tessa has accomplished a lot in her four months of life. She has always been a super eater. I have been nursing her since birth. There was a few days when I wanted to give it up, but I am glad I stuck with it. I also pump so that Daddy can have a turn at feeding her. He has so kindly volunteered to do the 3AM feeding. She eats about 4oz at every feeding, which is anywhere from 2 to 3 hours apart. Tessa is a good sleeper and takes about 3 naps during the day. The naps last anywhere from 1hr to 3hrs depending on her mood. Sleeping at night is still a struggle. She hates her crib, so if we want to sleep ourselves, we give in and let Tessa sleep with Daddy. It is funny, we sing a couple of songs and she usually lulls herself to sleep. It is so cute, she hides herself in Daddy's arms and then she is out. We have tried the crib from time to time, and it works for like 30 minutes, but she just sleeps longer with Daddy. She is sleeping about 7 hours a night. Not bad!Tessa is extremely strong. Since she was 2 weeks old, she has been able to lift her head. Now she is practicing sitting up. She does it for about 15 seconds and then she falls over. She loves her exersaucer and has really taken to the little toys on it. She laughs and smiles all the time, and is starting to babble more. When she doesn't have her pacifier in her mouth she is sucking on her hands. She is so orally stimulated, that when you bring her up to your face she either will open her mouth to fit you in it, or she will suck on your chin, cheek, shoulder, whatever. She has always been good in her car seat which helps because we are always driving somewhere. At times, if Daddy or I are busy, we put her in it to take a nap, and she does super! Whenever we go anywhere we bring her bunny with. It fits so nicely next to her in her car seat, that we snuggle them both in.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are SOOO adorable!! We can't wait to see you again. BTW, your doctor must be pretty conceted for your mommy to call him Dr. "megahed" (prounced megahead)

Love you Tessa,
The STL Olsons