Wednesday, September 17, 2008

I saw a princess this weekend..

Yes, I went to a wedding a saw the bride.. she even talked to me. She was so beautiful. The picture didnt' turn out the best, something is in the picture, but it was the only one we got. Sorry Uncle Eric.

Grandma aslo got a quick picture of me and my friend Sydney. I didn't go to the reception, I was a little to young.. I got to spend time with my Aunt Nancy, Uncle Steven, Amy and Lainey. Mandy, Uncle Mark, and Aunt Lori even came over to visit. It was so much fun!Here is a picture of my mom with some of her friends from HIGHSCHOOL. Can you believe it. Let's see, we have Sue with Rob, Bonnie with Harry, Heidi with Tim and then my mom and dad. They said the wedding was a lot of fun!

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