Hello. My name is Tessa and I just arrived in this world of yours. It took about 9 1/2 hours for mom to figure out how to get me out, but I made it just fine. It was a bit cold at first and people just kept passing me back and forth. They even weighed me...I don't know why they did that. Don't they know it's impolite to ask a lady her weight? Anyway, I overheard them saying I was 6 lbs. 6 oz. and 19 1/2 inches long. My mom and dad are great. They feed me, change me, hold me, and just stare at me for hours. And I love them! I got to meet lots of relatives already, and I can't wait to meet everyone else in mommy and daddy's life. Well, I better sign off for now. It's time for a nap. Mom and dad told me to show you a few pictures so you can see how beautiful I am.
It made me laugh how you wrote the blog as if you were Tessa. She is adorable and I can't wait to see her again when I am home next.
Welcome Tessa! She is beautiful! Can't wait to meet her! So happy for your little family!
We enjoyed seeing you Tessa and we can't wait to see you again! You are a beautiful girl and we love you bunches and bunches!!
Uncle Nathan, Aunt Jenoa and Asher
Anxious to come meet you, Tessa! Love you so much! (and of course, your mommy and daddy, too) :)
~Aunt Brooke
GMa Olson misses you so much baby girl. You are a wonderful addition to our family. Keep Mom and Dad in line and GMa will see you soon. Love you Tessa!!!
I love the blog! She is adorable and I'm glad Parker and I got to meet her.
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