Thursday, August 26, 2010

It's Been A While...

It's been a while since we posted so here's a little of what we've been up to...
Mommy and Daddy felt like it was a perfect summer for a couple of dates on the motorcycle. Mommy even sat through a whole movie, but she said she missed us the whole time.

We are definitely "Mommy Girls."

We had a lot of picnics this summer, many of them at the zoo!

Two of my favorite animals...a Lainey Gazelle and an Amyroo!

Here is a Spotted Cici! She even changes colors to blend in with her surroundings. See how the shirt blends in with the trees?

Mommy and Daddy also took me to a more local zoo. This one just had animals of the kid variety though. There were even placed on the ground that when you jumped on them, they played music! See me jumping?

Not only have I been practicing my ABC's, but I've also learned a thing or two about performing surgery. I just delivered a baby with the help of my trusty assistant, Reese.

Well, that's my summer in a nutshell. Peace out!

And remember these words of wisdom, have fun, soar high...

And always start with the frosting.