What a fun day! Today I met my cousins Laura, Hannah, and Michael at the Rainforest Cafe. There was so much to see there!! I loved it!I even got to sit between my cousins. I was very polite, aside from spilling my cup of water all over me within the first ten minutes of sitting down. No one seemed to care and I just went with out pants for the remainder of the day!Michael got a BIG slushie.. he almost drank the whole thing.We got to see fish, gorillas, snakes, cheetahs, monkeys.. you name it, it was there. After that we went to Build-a-Bear where Michael and I stuffed animals.
Hannah and Laura helped us a lot.
Hannah and Laura helped us a lot.
I decided on a lamb and Michael chose a Panda.We got to put a special heart in them
and we had to give them a bath. We made out birth certificates
and we had to give them a bath. We made out birth certificates
And took our new friends home.. Then we went shopping.. What do you think of this hat? too big maybe?
Michael wanted to take me for a ride... Like the hat? Now, that was a fun day!! I really need to see those three more often!